Friday 22 June 2007

Yes but is it news?

#4 - The Today Programme have a campervan at Glastonbury.

Thursday 14 June 2007

New news and old news

A good piece by Mark Lawson about journalistic mea culpas that are presented as news. The point that the piece is heading towards, but refrains from spelling out, is that it's harder for TV news to get away with the unsubstantiated rabid screaming hysteria of the print press (though admittedly, the 24-hour channels are increasingly managing it).

Tuesday 12 June 2007

The end of the world is nigh

... because I agree with Tony Blair. Oh dear.

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Are editors responsible for what they print?

Clearly that is one of the basic functions of an editor, no?

So this is pretty disgraceful.

'The public interest'

What is in the public interest is not the same as what the public are interested in. Yet these days, pretty much everything can be (and is) justified through claims that it is 'in the public interest'.
This is an abuse of journalists' powers.